/ipm_glossarytesting Ipm Glossary

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IPM Glossary


Action Threshold - the point at which pest populations indicate that action should be taken to manage a pest. (EPA)

Active dispersal - Opposite of passive dispersal, active dispersal is the movement of pests in an environment under their own powers, i.e. walking, flying, jumping, etc. (Pestec)

Advanced Urban IPM - The application of IPM principles to reduce the risk associated with the use of pesticides generally. In an Advanced Urban IPM model pesticides are used as a last resort, and least toxic materials and applications only. Coordination with building staff operates at the highest level. (Pestec)

Aggregations - See Cockroach Aggregations

Applicator - is any individual who is licensed by the board to apply pesticides in Branch 2 or Branch 3 on behalf of a registered company. (http://www.pestboard.ca.gov/pestlaw/pestact.pdf)

Asthma - Asthma (AZ-ma) is a chronic (long-term) lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. (http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/asthma)

Asthmagen - An asthmagen is any substance that is causally related to the development of asthma symptoms. (Wikipedia)


Baiting - The use of specially formulated food and toxicants as pesticides to control pests by enticing them to eat the pesticide. (Pestec)

Bed Bug Task Force - A group organized to confront the growing bed bug problem in CCC. Made up of members of the public, non-profit collaborators, Pestec, and the CCC IPM Coordinator. (http://cchealth.org/bedbugs/)

Bed Protection - The use of barriers, encasements, traps, and organization of the bedroom to protect the resident from bed bug bites and growing bed bug populations. (Pestec)

Best Practices - A best practice or best practices is a method or technique that has consistently shown results superior to those achieved with other means, and that is used as a benchmark. In addition, a "best" practice can evolve to become better as improvements are discovered. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Best_practice)

Biological Pest Control - The use of a pest's natural enemies, including predators, parasitoids, pathogens, antagonists, and other competitors, to control that pest. (Common Sense Pest Control)

Biological Pesticide - A pesticide that includes active ingredients derived from natural sources such as animals, plants, and bacteria. Includes microbial pesticides, pheromones, and insect growth regulators. (Truman & Common Sense)

Bite Reduction - An objective in bed bug management programs to reduce bed bug feeding and thereby reduce the rate that bed bugs reproduce. (Pestec)

Building Conditions -

Building Maintenance Personnel - A building staff person that provides general maintenance for its systems. (Pestec)

Burrow - a hole or tunnel dug by a small animal. It provides harborage and can be used for nests for the rearing of the young, resting, and for food storage. (Mallis)


Cap and Drain - A concept developed by Pestec of limiting the growth of a pest population by limiting it's necessary resources and over time reducing its numbers through trapping and other mechanical means. (Pestec)

Carcinogenic - having the potential to cause cancer

Certified IPM Practitioner - Certified IPM Practitioner - See Ecowise Certified IPM Practitioner Services Provider Definition (http://www.ecowisecertified.org/pdf/ecowise_guiding_principles.pdf)

Chemical Pesticide - a chemical substance used to kill, control or manage pest populations. (Truman pg 47)

Child Proof - See "Tamper Resistant." Applications or installation of pest control materials and devices that pose no risk of spill or injury to a child by its design or placement. (Pestec)

Cockroach Allergen - Airborne cockroach particles (frass) that cause allergic reactions or asthmatic symptoms in people. (Pestec)

Commensalism - To share a table. an association between two organisms in which one benefits and the other derives neither benefit nor harm. See: synanthropic.

Rodents pests are often described as commensal rodents however this may be considered a misnomer as their association with people does cause harm to people in terms of damage to property, human health impacts by vectoring pathogens, ectoparasites, and the degradation of indoor air quality, as well as destruction of food.

Community Associated Pest - A concept that relates to "systemic pests" whereby a community has a higher risk of contact with a type of pest based on their interactions within the community, behaviors, preferences, etc. (Pestec)

Conducive Conditions (conditions conducive to pests) - Structural, Sanitation, or Operational conditions that contribute to pest populations. (Pestec)

Consulting Field Representative - Consulting Field Representative - is an individual who is licensed by the Structural Pest Control Board to secure structural pest control work, identify infestations or infections, make inspections, apply pesticides, submit bids for or otherwise contract, on behalf of a registered company. (http://www.pestboard.ca.gov/pestlaw/pestact.pdf)


Desiccant Dust - a pest control agent that causes insects death by dehydration (Truman’s pg 51)

Diversionary Baiting - The use of baits, specifically for the control of social insects like ants or wasps, to divert foraging activity to areas away from people. (Pestec)

Door Sweep - A weather strip for the bottom of doors. Used in pest control to exclude pests. (Pestec)


EcoWise Certified - Services that are certified by a third party to meet specific risk reduction and minimum quality standards. (Ecowise Certified guiding Principles)

Ecowise Certified IPM Practitioner Services Provider - A pest control technician that has met the minimum standards and agreed to abide by the Ecowise IPM Guiding Principles.

EPA Exempt (pesticide) - EPA Exempt (pesticide) - Pesticides that are exempt from EPA registration because they meet the conditions of a "minimum risk pesticide" as defined by the EPA. (https://www.epa.gov/minimum-risk-pesticides/minimum-risk-pesticide-definition-and-product-confirmation)

Exclusion -


Field Representative - A licensed designation by the CA Structural Pest Control Board of a pest management professional that may develop pest management programs, identify pests, and sign contracts/sell pest control contracts. (Pestec)

Flea Trap - A trap used to monitor for and control fleas. The trap uses a light source to generate heat that attracts adult fleas to it that get stuck on a glue board. (Pestec)

Fly Trap - A trap used to monitor for and control flies. Fly traps may use food, UV light, or pheromones as attractants. Traps may have glue boards or funnels that capture to flies. (Pestec)


Gnawing - Is the action by which rodents use their unremittingly growing top and lower incisors to chew food and materials like wood. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodent)

Green Shield Certified - A pest control service that is certified by the third party Greenshield for IPM risk reduction and minimum quality standards (Pestec)


Harborage - A place of shelter, for pests. (Pestec)

Harborage trap - A trap designed to mimic a pests harborage thereby attracting the pest to it for capture. (Pestec)

Hazard - A danger or risk. See "pesticide Hazard"

Herbicide - A pesticide used to control weeds. (Pestec)


Infectious Disease - Infectious diseases are disorders caused by organisms — such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/infectious-diseases/basics/definition/con-20033534

Insecticide - A substance used for killing insects.

Inspection - a service of careful examination for pests and their underlying causes. (Pestec)

Inspection Report - A report made by a pest management professional on the findings of their inspection.

Interceptor - A trap designed to capture pests that utilizes their host-seeking behavior as a lure. (Pestec)

IPM - Integrated Pest Management is a long term pest prevention strategy. (Pestec)

IPM Plan - a guide for long term pest prevention strategies that coordinates activities, communication, and evaluation among pest management stakeholders according to IPM risk reduction principles. (Pestec)

IPM Program - A planned series of future events or actions with the purpose of managing and preventing pests according to the principles of IPM. (Pestec)

IPM Recommendation - A recommendation made by an IPM professional to prevent pest recurrences.

IPM Service - A service delivered as part of an IPM program.


Kleptoparasitic - literal meaning is parasitism by theft. Many pests such as rodents can be described as kleptoparasitic, that is they steal the resources of people as well as our health and comfort.


Moisture Management - The identification, reduction, or limiting of moisture to pests to prevent their increasing populations. (Pestec)

Monitoring - the systematic observation of pest populations to track progress in management, trends in population, the efficacy of control measures, or if action thresholds have been reached necessitating a treatment/action. (Pestec)

Monitoring Station - A device used to monitor pests. (Pestec)

Mosquito Abatement - the suppression of mosquitoes through direct controls or indirect control through source reduction. (Pestec)

Muricide - the predatory behavior by of rats on mice (Mallis)


Neophobic -

Non-Chemical Insecticide - Inorganic pesticides. (Pestec)

Non-Chemical Pest Management - Pest management efforts that do not rely on chemical pesticides. (Pestec)

Non Toxic - Non-poisonous pesticides. (Pestec)


Passive Trap -


Pest - a destructive, unwanted, or nuisance insect or other animal, as defined by people.

Pest Access - The ability for pests to access the resources they need to proliferate: food, water, harborage, and temperature.

Pest Control Operator - A licensed pest control business operator.

Pesticide Exposure - The interaction of non-target organisms with pesticides. Modes of exposure include dermal, oral, ocular, and respiratory.

Pesticide Formulation - A pesticide formulation is a mixture of chemicals which effectively controls a pest. Formulating a pesticide involves processing it to improve its storage, handling, safety, application, or effectiveness

Pesticide Reduction - The reduction of pesticides through deliberate measures and intent.

Pesticides - Any substance used to control, repel, kill, unwanted, harmful, or nuisance organisms.

Pest Log Book - A central communication log for building occupants to report pest sightings and pest technicians to report their activities.

Pest Prevention - any effort made to remove the sources of pests and their access to their sources.

Pitfall Trap - A trap designed to capture crawling insects that fall into a reservoir and cannot escape because of its slippery sides.

Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle - PDCA (plan–do–check–act or plan–do–check–adjust) is an iterative four-step management method used in business for the control and continuous improvement of processes and products.

Pollinator - organisms that help plants reproduce by moving pollen to different plants or other parts of plants.

Public Health - Public health is the science of protecting and improving the health of families and communities through the promotion of healthy lifestyles, research for disease and injury prevention and detection and control of infectious diseases.


Quality Assurance - a program for the systematic monitoring and evaluation of the various aspects of a project, service, or facility to ensure that standards of quality are being met


Reduced Risk Pesticide -

Rodent Allergen -

Rodenticide -

Rodent Management Station -

Rodent Proofing -

Rodent Rubbing -

Runway -


Sanitation Recommendation -


Structural Deficiency -

Structural Pest Control -

Structural Repair Recommendation -

Surveillance -

Synanthropic - Wild animals that live near, and benefit from an association with humans and the somewhat artificial habitats that humans create around them. (Mallis pg 12)

Synergist -


Tamper Resistant -

Technician -

Toxic -

Trapping -

Trapping Station -


Vector -


Working Group -

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