Stop Bed Bugs is an interactive bilingual online training module about bed bug prevention and management. The module helps renters recognize, restrict, and report bed bugs and helps landlords comply with California state regulations associated with bed bugs.
Why Take This Course
In 2016 California enacted Assembly Bill 551, an amendment to existing habitability law that applies to all rental housing in California
AB 551 requires landlords to provide a notice with bed bug information. It does not require landlords to provide the notice in languages other than English and does not require that the renter read the notice.
The goal of this course is to get this vital information to renters to help prevent the spread of bed bugs in California.
You can also access bed bug resources in both English and Spanish that detail basic bed bug biology and behavior, bed bug prevention techniques, and bed bug management best practices.
Project Partners
The course was developed with funding from the California Department of Pesticide Regulation by a team of pest management experts, educators, and rental housing professionals